
ENEE 439D: Project Design and Applications of Machine Learning

ENEE439D is a design course bringing real-world design experience to students in a team setting. It draws synergy between machine learning, data science, sensing and signal processing, and other engineering skills and knowledge. The warm-up modules in the first part of the course will review and enhancement on the basic principles, tools and platforms for machine learning and pattern recognition, as well as for signal/data representation, processing, and analysis. By means of team projects, students will apply what they have learned to real-world situtations, and gain hands-on experience in designing and implementing a machine learning system.

My duties included: designing course materials, deliver weekly lab, providing weekly guidence to course projects, and grading homeworks.

ENEE 633: Statistical Pattern Recognition

ENEE 633 is a graduate-level course in the UMD ECE department, crosslisted with CS and ENTS. The course aim to introduce mathematical pattern analysis and recognition. Emphasis is given to parametric and non-parametric statistical pattern recognition methods and clustering with applications to speech, image and video recognition.

My duties included: making solutions for assignments, grading homeworks, and holding weekly office hours.

ENEE 627: Information Theory

ENEE 627 is a graduate-level course in the UMD ECE department. This course introduces the information measures and their properties; entropy, relative entropy and mutual information. In addtition, information source models, lossless data compression, typical sequences, asymptotic equipartition property, lossy source coding, and discrete memoryless channels are also included.

My duties included: grading homeworks, and holding weekly office hours.

ENEE 489I: Solar Energy Conversion

ENEE 489I is an undergraduate and graduate combined course in ECE department of UMD. In this course, students are expected to learn analytical and numerical techniques to determine pwoer conversion efficiency for various design architectures and technologies, including Si, III-V, II-VI, and preovskite materials.

I am responsible for making solutions for assignments, grading homeworks, and holding weekly office hours.

ENEE 222: Elements of Discrete Signal Analysis

ENEE 222 is an undergraduate lab & lecture course of about 75 students in ECE department of UMD. This course covers the basic digital signal processing techniques, including DFT, DWT, IIR/FIR, and sampling.

My duties included: grading weekly lab reports, preparing and holding MATLAB tutorial sessions every week, and holding weekly office hours.

ENEE 307: Electronic Circuits Design Laboratory

ENEE 307 is an undergraduate lab of about 12 students. In this lab, students are expected to gain practical electronics laboratory experience and analyze fundamental transistor circuit topologies.

I am responsible for grading lab reports, leading two three-hour lab sessions every week, and holding office hours.